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Straightening Schedule: How Long Does Invisalign Take?

February 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhettidentistry @ 5:11 pm
Several Invisalign trays surrounding a case

Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces because it can straighten your smile without the need for bulky metal brackets. It uses clear plastic aligners that fit snuggly over your teeth to gently reposition them to their ideal placements, instead. Another benefit is that in many cases, it doesn’t take as long to see results with Invisalign as with other solutions. How long, though, does it typically take before you’re done? If you’re not sure what to expect from an Invisalign timeline, keep reading to learn more!

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

In most cases, Invisalign therapy lasts for 12 months. That said, there’s no way to establish an accurate expectation without consulting with your dentist because the timeframe can vary based on your circumstances. If you’re correcting slight issues and your teeth move quickly, you might only need to wear the aligners for 6 months, for example, while more complex cases can take up to 18.

What Influences My Invisalign Timeline?

There are several factors that your dentist considers when creating your Invisalign treatment plan. Some things that influence how long it takes include:

  • Severity of the issues. If your teeth are severely crooked, they’ll take longer to shift than those with only minor concerns.  
  • Gaps in your teeth. If your teeth have wider spaces between them, it could be due to the structure of your gums, tooth loss, or because your teeth grew in incorrectly. Adjusting this can take longer than simple straightening.
  • Overcrowded teeth. Teeth that are jammed closely together may require additional sets of aligners to shift than slightly crooked ones. This adds to your overall timeframe.
  • Your age. Younger mouths have more flexibility for movement in their teeth than older adults.  
  • Whether you comply with guidelines. You must wear your aligners for 22 hours every day to stay on track. If you remove them for long periods, your teeth can revert to their previous placements and will require more work.

How Can I Shorten My Treatment Timeline?

Thankfully, there are a few things within your control that you can do to wrap up your Invisalign treatment sooner rather than later, including:

  • Wearing your aligners long enough. By keeping your aligners in your mouth for the prescribed period every day, you’ll keep your teeth moving in the right direction.
  • Caring for your orthodontics. If an aligner is cracked or damaged, it can’t do its job and you’ll have to get a new set. This can inadvertently set you back a week or two. Clean them daily and keep your carrying case with you for proper storage during meals.
  • Change aligners regularly. Your dentist will provide a new set of aligners every 1-2 weeks. Be sure to switch to the new set on the correct date to stay on track.

A year is the average length it takes to complete Invisalign treatment, which isn’t very long compared to the several years it can take with traditional braces. When it’s all said and done, you will finally have the perfectly straight smile you’ve always dreamed of!

About the Practice

At Springhetti Dentistry, you and the entire family benefit from two experts who work together to provide a full range of services under one roof, including Invisalign. They take the time to get to know each patient’s unique needs to offer individualized solutions to meet them. Plus, you’re sure to feel calm and comfortable in their friendly and compassionate environment. If you’re interested in straightening your teeth and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (317) 875-7645.

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